Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes!
we have lots of tomatoes ripe and ripening! A red hot chili pepper has turned red, our squash is still growing, and our two cantaloupes are ripening. we have a good supply of kale and mesculen and swiss chard, and the green beans are starting to form. the ifrst little eggplant has also been spotted!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

An update on the Garden today:

We harvested a few more cucumbers, and a few cheery tomatoes, which were sweet and delicious! the Cucumbers are awesome as well, and the mescalin mix. We had our usual pick of swiss chard, zucchini and kale, as well.

Our stand has some people taking advantage of our nutritious and delicious veggies for free! That's awesome, and we hope whoever took some veggies are enjoying!

a big tomato is starting to turn, but there was also a report of a blight in the area.

a few butternut squash of the huge plant are gradually turning less green and more tanish orangish!

some of the beans are beginning to get flowers, and mini itty bitty brussel sprouts are forming as well.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Today in the Garden

Our salads with dinner was composed completely from garden vegetables! Our first cucumbers, mescalin greens, cherry tomatoes, and swiss chard! (and some blueberries from lakeside, a nearby, amazing fruit farm). The butternut squash is still growing and the squash are starting to be less green, a good sign. Tomatoes are changing, we picked about 8 tonight. The swiss chard is doing well, and we have a lot of it. Our first Front Yard Garden stand will hopefully be put up tomorrow, with free summer squash and swiss chard, and maybe kale and basil. Yeah!

Gallery of Front Yard Garden Pictures from May- July 18, 2010

Front Yard Garden Fund

The Front Yard Garden Fund's mission is to help provide knowledge, materials, skills, and assistance to people who would like to start growing their own food on any scale, from a large plot to a few pots. We provide services, like helping plant, weed, and cook with food from the garden; information, like about soil, climate, planting, compost, and the benefits of growing food; and the actual materials, like seeds, compost, and hoes, to interested clients. Our goal is to spread our passion of locally grown, organic vegetable gardening, inspired by our own front yard garden experience, with those who have an interest but lack the funds, motivation, would like some camaraderie or assistance with their garden, or haven't yet discovered the greatness of gardens. The totality of these goals can be summed in four tiers; nutrition, taste, knowledge, and pride, all of which we strongly believe can be attained by tending to a vegetable garden, whatever the size. It is our hope that the Front Yard Garden Fund will help create gardens that nourish the self, community, and world, by investing in the earth we live on.